Natural Language Processing with Attention Models

Natural Language Processing with Attention Models

Course 4 of the Natural Language Processing (NLP) Specialization focuses on advanced NLP applications. You'll learn to translate English to German using an encoder-decoder attention model, build a Transformer model for text summarization, use T5 and BERT models for question-answering, and develop a chatbot with a Reformer model. By the end of the course, you'll have created sophisticated NLP tools for question-answering, sentiment analysis, language translation, and text summarization. 

๐Ÿ†“ Free to Audit
๐Ÿ•’ Approx. 26 Hours
โœ๏ธ Intermediate Level
๐Ÿงพ Paid Certificate Available Upon Completion
๐ŸŽ“ Offered by DeepLearning.AI via Coursera

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